10 kilowatt inverter price in pakistan

Inverex 10kw inverter price in pakistan

The need for effective and dependable solar power solutions is growing as the globe moves toward renewable energy sources. Solar inverters are essential for turning solar energy into power for households and businesses in Pakistan, where electricity shortages are a typical occurrence. Inverex, which is renowned for its top-notch inverters, is one of the well-known brands in the Pakistani solar business. In this article, we examine the Inverex 10KW inverter’s specifications, as well as its cost and features on the Pakistani market.

Understanding Inverex and their commitment to solar power

Inverex is a reputable Pakistani business with a focus on producing and marketing solar power solutions. The company has established itself as a top choice for many people and organizations looking for dependable solar inverters thanks to its strong dedication to renewable energy. For people interested in solar energy, Inverex is a one-stop shop because its product line comprises inverters, batteries, solar panels, and charge controllers as well as lithium ion battery.

The Importance of the 10KW Inverter

Any solar power system needs a 10KW inverter, especially for medium- to large-scale systems. This powerful device converts direct current (DC) electricity produced by solar panels into alternating current (AC), which can be used to power homes, offices, factories, and other structures. Its capacity makes it suited for applications where there is a greater electricity demand since it can manage significant energy loads.

Key Features of Inverex 10KW Inverter

Let’s examine some of the key characteristics that make the Inverex 10KW inverter an attractive option before delving into the pricing specifics:

  1. High Efficiency: Because of its great efficiency, Inverex inverters can optimize the electricity generated by your solar panels, resulting in cost savings.
  2. Advanced Monitoring: Many Inverex inverters feature sophisticated monitoring technologies that enable users to keep tabs on their solar energy output and system performance in real time via mobile apps or web platforms.
  3. Durability: These inverters are built to endure the extreme weather in Pakistan, providing long-lasting performance.
  4. Safety: Inverex places a great premium on safety features such as overvoltage protection, short-circuit protection, and temperature management to reduce the danger of electrical accidents.
  5. Grid Compatibility: Since Inverex inverters frequently work with grid-tied systems, extra energy can be sold back to the grid, potentially generating more savings.

Inverex 10kw inverter price in pakistan

Let’s now discuss the Inverex 10KW inverter’s price in Pakistan, which is the main issue. It’s important to keep in mind that prices might vary depending on a variety of factors, including the model, features, and dealer. However, we may offer an approximate price range based on the most recent statistics through September 2023. An Inverex 10KW inverter typically costs PKR 880,000.

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Factors Affecting Inverex 10KW Inverter Pricing

  1. Model and Version: The pricing of the Inverex 10KW inverter may vary depending on the model and version due to differences in features and capabilities.
  2. Warranty: For its inverters, Inverex offers a variety of warranty terms. The cost of a longer warranty could be higher.
  3. Installation Costs: The cost of installation, which includes labor costs and any additional equipment required, can have a big impact on the final cost.
  4. Location: Due to logistical and distributional issues, prices may vary slightly between different parts of Pakistan.
  5. Market Trends: Market developments and supplier rivalry may have an impact on the cost of solar inverters. Keeping an eye out for sales or discounts on the market is a good idea.

Choosing the Inverex 10KW Inverter

When choosing the ideal Inverex 10KW inverter for your solar power system, it’s important to take into account your unique energy requirements, financial constraints, and any other features you might need. 

The following guidance can help you make a wise choice.

Assess Your Energy Requirements: If you want to know whether a 10KW inverter is the suitable size for your needs, you should calculate your daily energy use and the number of solar panels you intend to install.

  1. Compare Models: To choose the Inverex 10KW inverter that best meets your needs, compare several models and iterations.
  2. Budget Considerations: While maintaining your spending plan is important, you should also think about the long-term advantages of spending the extra money to acquire a high-quality inverter.
  3. Warranty and After-Sales Service: The after-sales and customer service track record of Inverex is crucial. Think about the warranty provided and whether there are any service locations nearby.


Due to their effectiveness, dependability, and longevity, Inverex 10KW inverters are becoming more and more well-liked in Pakistan. These inverters are essential for maximizing the power of solar panels as the nation continues to embrace solar energy as a sustainable energy source. Even though the cost of an Inverex 10KW inverter can vary, people who want to save money on their electricity bills and help the environment should consider investing.

Research and compare several models before making your purchase.

Organize your energy requirements.

To make sure you get the proper inverter for your unique requirements, consider installation expenses.

You may start along the path to energy independence and a better, more sustainable future with the correct Inverex 10KW inverter.

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