MC4 connectors

MC4 connectors: Reliable Solar Connections

Solar panel connections are often made using MC4 connectors, which are single-contact electrical connectors. The 4 in MC4 refers to the contact pin with a diameter of 4 mm, while the MC stands for the manufacturer Multi-Contact. With MC4s, panels can be readily strung together by manually pulling the compatible connectors from neighboring panels together. 

However, to prevent unintentional disconnections when the wires are pulled, a tool is needed to detach the connectors. Connections must be of the same type and brand to avoid the risks of cross-mating, according to the National Electric Code (NEC) and the UL6703 standard for PV connections. 

MC 4 Connector Price in Pakistan

Detials Price
Small MC 4 connector130 PKR
Large MC 4 connector170 PKR

Furthermore, according to IEC 62548, “Design requirements for PV Systems,” PV connectors must be from the same manufacturer. The MC4 connector was originally rated for 600V, but more recent iterations are rated for 1500V, enabling the creation of longer series strings.

MC4 connectors and the items that work with them are widely utilized in the solar industry today. Larger solar panels typically have MC4 connectors installed already. 

The authorized producer of MC4 connectors, Multi-Contact, makes these. Round plastic housings with a single conductor arranged in paired male and female combinations make up solar panels. MC4 connections can terminate to one another and prevent being inadvertently pulled apart thanks to a notched interlock. 

How much current can the MC4 handle? 

30A of rated current (2.5–4.0 mm³) maximum rated voltage (ICE) of 1000V.

Do all solar panels use MC4? 

All contemporary solar panels use the MC4 solar connector. These connections are rated IP67. It denotes that they are dust- and waterproof-proof. 

MC4 connectors are used when and where? 

MC4 typically relies on how big the solar panel is. Even though they are all made to withstand weather and UV rays for dependable outdoor use, their various sizes have distinct uses. Less than 20-watt solar panels don’t generate large currents.

 Since they are usually utilized as standalone units, the termination technique is less important.

 On the other hand, larger solar panels—those with more than 20 watts—are made to withstand higher power outputs. For standardized termination that can withstand higher voltage, they are connected in an array. The MC4 connectors must, therefore, fit precisely. 

What is the number of components in an MC4 connector? 

Five elements make up each MC4 connector. The primary housing, a rubber water seal, a seal retainer, a metal crimp contact, and a screw-on end cap are these. The housing and metal contact of the MC4 connector is different in the male variant. Its remaining components can be changed out. There are detachable safety lock clips on some MC4 connectors. They offer extra inadvertent disconnect safety by hiding the interlock tabs.

What advantages do MC4 connectors offer?

The solar power system’s power loss is reduced, and its efficiency is increased with MC4 connectors. Because of its high current carrying capacity and low contact resistance, more power can be delivered from the panels to the inverter.

Which tools are required while handling MC4 connectors?

When working with MC4 connectors, certain specialist tools must be used. The two most important tools are a crimp tool and a pair of disconnect/spanner wrench combo tools. A hinged, swing-out contact holder is an essential component of every crimp tool. It facilitates consistent and on-spec terminations. Any crimp tools without this feature should be avoided.

How many solar panels have MC4 connectors?

Two MC4 connectors are required for each solar panel to connect it to the rest of the system. The solar panel’s size and the MC4 connector’s size should match, and the connections need to be tightly sealed.

Which cables are required for connecting MC4s?

The majority of wires that are required for MC4 connectors are marketed as photovoltaic or solar panel cables. While options abound, they all must adhere to National Electric Code (NEC) regulations. They must also fulfill UV resistance requirements set by the Underwriters Laboratory (UL). It is not authorized to use wires that are not UV-resistant outside. “MC4-compatible” connectors should be avoided. 

Multi-Contact does not produce them. These fake connectors could seem more affordable, but they frequently match different engineering standards and safety certifications than real MC4 connectors. Since these imitations have shown to be an issue in the market, Multi-Contact has released an official statement regarding them. 

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